The ESG Show 48 ESG investing in the S Factor

S stands for social — but it means so much more than just DEI. So, whilst it might be controversial, especially in the US, not many people have a problem with trying to eliminate slavery or child labour from a supply chain.

And what does this mean for investors?

Change is afoot: regulations such as the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive are setting a high bar, and for investors, they matter.

One thing is for sure: investors need information.

In this ESG Show, we have two great guests to discuss well; let’s call it social investing.

Bonnie-Lyn de Bartok is currently focused on launching her first Social Risk Hedge Fund. She is a recognised expert in Social Risk, Performance, and Impact Measurement and Management (IMM).

Cecilia Thorn is a senior advisor at Straife and brings to the discussion a huge amount of experience and knowledge on the regulatory framework and what this means for ESG investing.

Over the past 25 years, Bonnie-Lyn has advised governments, investors, corporations, and NGOs across 60 countries. Her work has earned her numerous entrepreneurial and technology accolades, particularly for the development of the S-Factor Quantitative Methodology, Social Risk Ratings, and Social Risk Index series. Currently, she is focused on launching her first Social Risk Hedge Fund. Bonnie-Lyn has been widely published and has spoken at high-profile events, including the G20 Summit, where she is regarded as a leading authority on social risk.

Cecilia Thorn served as Head of International Relations for the Financial Reporting Council, which regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries, and we set the UK’s Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes.

Tags: past episodes, social, ESG Investing

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